Critical Incidents
Critical Incidents impact an entire organization and typically impede productivity. A Critical Incident is any situation that causes a work group to experience strong reactions that have the potential to interfere with present or future productivity. Cigna’s Critical Incident Response services are immediately available to address issues of crisis that result from:
* Natural disasters * Assaults
* Employee deaths/serious illnesses * Robberies
* Major organizational change * Industrial accidents
* Other traumatic events * Mass transportation accidents
* Diagnosis of a serious illness * Witness to accidents or trauma
Critical Incident Response services are immediately available when the emergency arrises. Your management staff simply calls the consultant EAP access number to report a Critical Incident. As a first step, we conduct a crisis management consultation with the manager reporting the incident.
We discuss the specifics of the incident and our consultant works with the manager to determine an appropriate level of response.
Each session is conducted with utmost confidentiality to ensure the clients comfort and privacy.