EAP for Manager /Supervisor
One on one support
In a corporate setup each person is a part of a system. If the person has a problem, the system will have a problem. Senior management is a complex level and it takes a toll on the person’s workplace and his own psychological self. Indrishti’s service recognizes that each person is unique and focuses on individual problems to help them unleash their maximum all round potential. This change seeps down to the subordinates too, in turn improving the overall system’s performance. Our skilled and experienced consultants maintain the highest level of confidentiality and posses the mentoring skills needed for touching people’s lives.
Few EAP Supervisor support Benefits :
- Management consultations
- Suggested self-referrals
- Formal Supervisor Referrals
- Post-trauma stress debriefings
- The impact of downsizing and restructuring
- Potential violence in the workplace
- Mental illness in the workplace
- Chemical dependency problems
Each session is conducted with utmost confidentiality to ensure the clients comfort and privacy.